Paul Frecker
Fine Photographs

Miss Laura March
25 July 1862

Volume 8, page 311, sitting number 10,866.

Baptised at St Mary’s in Marylebone on 7 November 1827, Laura March was the daughter of Thomas and Mary Anne March of Bryanston Square, Marylebone.

She appears on the 1851 census, aged 23, living with her parents at 12 Radnor Place, Bayswater. Her father, a British Subject born in Portugal about 1781, gave ‘Fundholder’ as his profession.

Thomas March died, aged 78, at the Ambassador’s Court, St James’s Palace, in April 1859. He was buried in Kensal Green Cemetery on 25 April 1859.

When the census was taken in 1871 Laura and her older sister Emily were living in, or staying at, an apartment in St James's Palace. Their household included four servants. 

Miss Laura March never married. She died in Rome at 14 via delle Finanze on 21 April 1904, leaving an estate valued at £8538.

code: cs0391
Laura March, Camille Silvy, Silvy